Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Bragg Creek Artisan Sale 2012

Another great sale is finished. It is always so much fun to visit with friends and customers at this time of year. Sales were particularly good. My community of gnomes and reindeer is much smaller as many moved on to new homes. 
Lots of other Creektures moved in with new families. Tristan seems to have stretched his wings the farthest and will be making his new home in China! 

Tristan (2012)
Tristan has an innovative home heating business idea. With a pet dragon in your house - who needs a furnace? Tristan has designed a comfy dragon nest that connects to standard heating ducts and can easily keep a family home toasty warm. It is the ultimate "green" energy scheme. He hopes to appear on the "Dragons' Den" to ask for financial support. Heaven help Kevin if he torches the idea.

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